Tuesday, May 14, 2013

maintaining positive thoughts

why? because our lives are the results of what we think. When we are born all the information given by our parents, teachers, family members, friends, social media etc is being programmed into our subconscious mind and good or bad, this information dictates the decisions we make for our future.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Need for a Scrub

scrubs are important because of the following reasons
  • It removes the layer of dead skin cell off our body
  • It helps in achieving an even tan
  • It opens the pores and makes them ready to receive any treatment
  • It improves blood circulation to cellulite ridden areas and increases your skin’s firmness.
  • It exfoliates the skin and thoroughly cleanses and refreshes skin

 Homemade Sugar scrub

i will be making sugar body scrubs with a touch of essential oil to relax and transport yourself after every bath or shower...
the awesome benefits of aromatherapy....

Smells can trigger vivid memories, involving sights, sounds and emotional impressions of events in our distant past. A whiff of oatmeal cookies evokes in-depth childhood memories of my mother baking her  awesome cookies and cakes. In addition to such memories, smells can initiate a cascade of physiological responses affecting our entire body and mental outlook.

I have now been envolved in essential oils and what they can do for you physically and mentally.   Its incredible how you can change your mood with just a scent.  A scent that can calm you down and make you feel alive again.  Scents that can relax you and help you fall asleep and its all natural.  wow!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

feeling awesome...tomorrow big day!!!

its 10:13 pm ....watching mirror 2 with my husband....excercised for 35 minutes and feel great!!! Tomorrow we are getting together with my 4life business partners.
Cada dia le agradezco mas a Dios por esta maravillosa oportunidad de ayudar a muchas personas que necesitan de este producto y de esta fabulosa oportunidad de crecer y crear una plataforma de ingreso residual.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7 2010 Fall is here

A lot of time has passed since i write anything in my blog......but everything is still good...well actually, everything is better. i went from 167 to 145 and still going...Gracias a Dios todo los pasos se han seguido y los numeros siguen bajando....claro que haciendo ejercicios Hip Hop abs. Compartiendo este gran producto con todo el mundo. Me faltan 10 mas y ahi a mantener el peso.!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today, Saturday I feel good...countinuing with my 4lifeJourney...learning more about it and the more I learn the more hopeful I feel that this time it will work...maintaining a positive mind and keeping faith. Sharing this awesome company with everyone i know and care about.